I believe in God who made Heaven and Earth and all things therein.
I believe in the Sanctity of His Holy Co-Existents. I believe in the purity of His Holy Messengers who are the guides of human beings.
I believe God made Mortals and Immortals to serve Him, worship Him, love Him, praise Him and adore Him in Heaven and on Earth.
I believe I was born holy and pure and that in the name of God Almighty, God has made me holy and pure.
I believe I cannot stand before the Holy Throne of God, or become a member of the Holy Assembly of God in the last day, if I do not love my fellow creatures as myself, or do unto them as I would they do unto me.  
I believe that all divers ways of serving God are acceptable to Him. I believe that Prophets existed and will always exist in this world through whom God had revealed and will always reveal His Majesty.
I believe sins are punishable in this life or hereafter.

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