The clarion call came via SMS quoted verbatim below, asking those who had submitted themselves to EBF, should come to Awka to face EBF Screening Committee.
In deed many were called but few chose to answer, made sacrifices and some appeared in protest. Why subject contestants to screening for adoption before ECNBA has done its? Why subject candidates to screening a month to quarterly EBF meeting, why not on the eve, at the venue of EBF meeting (I learnt it will hold in Calabar, sometimes in early June.)
These misgivings apart, the following appeared;
1. Dr. Gerald Abonyi for 2nd VP
2.Damian Nosike, vying for 2nd VP
3.Chukwuemeka Mbamala gunning to be Treasurer
4.Daniel Ka-ayii Kip for Assistant Secretary
5.Oseme Peremene Anthony for Assistant Secretary
6.Felix Chukwuma Ashimole the only EBF member running for Publicity Secretary.
But the wagging tail among these 7 wisemen is, how will EBF in the presence of universal suffrage, be of any help to their campaign?
Will EBF have the balls to pick one member ahead of the other and what will be the factor(s) that will swing EBF?
The SMS, “Compliments! You are by this NOTICE invited to a special meeting with the EBF SCREENING COMMITTEE on Saturday, 7th May 2022 at Awka. Time 1pm prompt. Venue will be communicated in due course. Kindly attend with originals of all documents submitted to the committee regarding your NBA National aspiration and endeavor to keep to time. Warm regards.
Amaka Ezeno (Mrs)
EBF Screening Committee.”