Felix Chukwuma Ashimole, writing is my therapy; I have no hand in Petition Against Ogaga oh!

I have no hand in the petition but as side hustling, like SANs who operate private jet services, I write to calm down. I have been a fellow of NUJ since 2006, when I was Assistant Editor of Leadership Weekend(May God bless the soul of Sam Nda Isaiah)

After I made the post about Ugwumsinachi Francis Ajuruchi, Esq’s petition challenging OGAGA EMOGHWANRE, Esq’s qualification to run for Publicity Secretary, a lot of half baked middles have been thrown at me.

My reply is simple;

If Ogaga was a NEC Member under Paul Usoro SAN’s tenure, (2018-2020), let him produce his instrument of appointment as NEC Rep.

Was his 10 years Post Call at the time of his appointment?

Before the abolition of NEC Rep, you must be minimum 10 years Post Call before you can be appointed as NEC Rep.

Ogaga Emoghwanre, Esq, was called to Bar in 2010, the same set with Habeeb Lawal, Esq.

At 2018 when Usoro SAN appointed him into NEC, Ogaga was less than 10 years Post Call and such appointment is illegal and should not count in his favour.

These are reasons why we must be involved in sanctifying NBA.

In Summary, Ogaga, where is your Instrument of Appointment into Usoro’s NEC?

How old Post Call were you in 2018?

Assuming Paul Usoro’ co-opted in 2020 when you turned 10 years, can we see the Instrument of your appointment?

Abeg, let us reform NBA. Imagine if NBA is truly digitalized, all we need to do, is to click on NEC Members 2018-2020 and all will be laid to rest but like a man who buries him self, NBA’s sore finger or another part of the body must stick out!

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