I have reluctantly been around some states to visit NBA Branches and something keeps bothering me.
In line with the Unified Bye Law, all 125 NBA Branches, hold their election in June. And this June, a sizable number is changing baton of leadership.
But a careful perusal of the list of contestants, show that a good number of the candidates are civil servants, particularly working in Ministry of Justice.

Section 14 (Supra) sub head Election; is worrisome. I believe the draft men made a mistake and omitted “Shall Be In Private Practice” when mentioning eligibility of Chairman and Secretary, which was in the previous Bye Law.
This has given room to some JUSUN and Law Officers Association members, to put themselves out for election.
I fear that a staff of Ministry of Justice, will one day emerge Chairman of a Branch and NBA in that state, will be emasculated, it’s teeth pulled off with pliers by that given state’s AG.
Do not say “God Forbid.”
Applying Section 14:3 (Supra), to disqualify any civil servant candidate, will occasion crisis and could lead to the balkanization of the branch.
Those who are not in private practice, have heavy votes, their dues are religiously paid from source and if they organize, meet our colleagues who are in-house solicitors/Company secretaries, and throw it in a direction, there will be earth quake.
Well, I have submitted my nomination form to ECNBA ahead of NBA 2022 National Election, so I shouldn’t antagonize any bloc but my heart cannot rest, if I don’t prophetically warn about the danger ahead.
But this can be corrected at Olumide Akpata’s last AGM this August. We shouldn’t leave room for states to hijack NBA in their domain.