Simple, we want you to reincarnate through our ancestral lineage. Yes, you too while alive wanted same, if not, write how and where you want to be buried.
An African, particularly a Nigerian, spends his productive years abroad(outside his village), worshipping other gods, contributing to development of other communities and abandon his.
The Oyibo and Arabian gods, use their shrine and Chief priests to brain wash Africans, scare them from going home, accuse our ancestors of being evil spirits and not interested in our prosperity.
They force us to under go family, village and personal deliverance to liberate ourselves from our ancestors. We foolishly agree, give them money to buy all manner of condiments for rituals (deliverances) and yet, when they come, they start chanting the names of ancestors of Jews-Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses etc.
When we die, these same churches, will respect our wishes to be carried home to be buried among the same ancestors we abandoned and called evil spirits.
Africans, wake up. They fear your Gods more than that of Jews/Arabs. Realize the power you have and I assure you, we will be the ruler of the next generation!