4:00 pm or 16:00 hours, on Friday 15, is the last date and time for submission of nomination forms by all intending contestants in the forthcoming NBA election.
Yesterday was the arrival of the big masquerades. The first to land was JG Taidi, followed by YC Maikyau, SAN and before the dust raised by the teeming, intimidating supporters of YC could die down, JK who picked form on Monday, also arrived to submit his form.
Other candidates for various posts submitted theirs, not wanting to be identified openly with any of the 3 presidential candidates, quietly went away.
Today, being the last day, had aspirants hustling to beat the deadline and one of them is Ede Asenoguan, Esq, former Chairman, NBA Bini Branch. According to the humble entourage he came with, he came to submit his form for the post of General Secretary. This makes it 4 quality candidates vying for that coveted office.
The General Secretary, is the engine room of the Bar and whosoever wins it, will have heavy responsibilities on his shoulder.
Will Asenoguan bring his years of experience to bear?
We will report all candidates, once the ECNBA releases list of cleared candidates and lift ban on campaign.