Do you know Phase 4 Kubwa? Not as it is today but as it was about 5 years ago?
If you do and can recollect, there were 4 major landmarks, namely; Mohammed’s shop, General Hospital, Black & White and Police station. Of all the streets in phase 4, the most popular is Blessed Chapel road because it is the visa from phase 4, to Chikakere, Arab road and Byazhin.

But before the arrival of NINA Hotel & Garden in phase 4, this road was a nightmare, avoided by Okada especially during raining seasons. Mountain of refuse were mushrooming here and there with snatching of ladies bags a common evening tale.
The 3 estates on this road; PhilCruz i, ii & iii, Somi i & ii, Cottage made yearly contributions with Blessed Chapel Church bringing in graders and other heavy duty equipment, to make the road motorable, usually in November, during the church’s yearly program.
But came in NINA, the road was rapidly transformed and can complete with any street in Maitama. NINA’s presence and pressure it brought to bear on Bwari Area Council and FCTA, gave birth to the free flow traffic on Blessed Chapel road, dust is gone, cars getting stuck in the mud are now ancient history.
NINA in now a major landmark in phase 4, Kubwa. The neighborhood is happy with it and its social corporate responsibility to it. The management and staff of NINA is friendly and in the wake of collapse of National grid, NINA provides light, allows neighbors to come charge their phones and other appliances without insisting that they buy a drink or anything.

Where NINA garden is, used to be an indiscriminately dumping ground of refuse.
NINA has not only provided entertainment in Kubwa, it has reshaped the face of phase 4.
The man behind NINA, is Romeo Nzekwe. Romeo as called by his friends, is a Bsc Accounting graduate of UNN, he also holds MBA from same university and currently doing his PHD studies in the same Nsukka. He is truly a lion, maturing from cub to enviable alpha male.
According to his General Manager, Jima when we approached her to talk about Romeo, “The only thing I can tell you about him is that he is a kind hearted person who dosen’t want to see people suffer. He has a soft mind towards people. When it comes to assisting he dosen’t hold back.”
We have seen Romeo, a publicity shy giant young man, full of life, marching like a General inspecting his troops to make sure that customers are happy.
Romeo is romantically married to one wife, a great family man and lover of dogs.

We at kubwaexpress are happy with Romeo and NINA for the care they have given to the environment and providing complete sports center not found anywhere in Kubwa.
We are happy to present him to the world as our man of the week and one of the emerging icon of Kubwa.