The first General Meeting of Equity Bar Forum, for the year 2022, was held earlier today at NINA Hotel, Phase iv, Kubwa.
Equity Bar Forum, is the most organized pressure group in NBA Bwari, committed to making sure that the leadership of NBA Bwari, conducts the affairs of the Bar in line with the Bye Law and in the best interest of members.
Equity Bar Forum, is the only group in NBA Bwari that does not take welfare of its members lightly. They contribute regularly to assist their members in times of need, no matter what the need is.
During the meeting, leaders of Equity Bar Forum, encouraged members to pay their dues and participate in all affairs of NBA Forum.
Today’s meeting, was also used to celebrate two Equity members who recently got married; Pascal and Hanatu.
Equity welfare package was given to Pascal and Hanatu, who is yet to under go marriage at the registry, was told to wait for hers, until all the needful had been done.
Equity package is heavy and well rivals that given to lawyers by NBA Bwari.
This is a big challenge to NBA Bwari against the background that, NBA collects dues from members while Equity relies solely on freewill contributions from members whenever any need arise.

A leader of Equity Bar Forum, maintained that Equity is not a parallel Bar but complimentary. About 30 members of the Forum, were in attendance, with others tendering apologies for their absence.