The Inspector General of Police, has arraigned an Abuja based lawyer, a prominent member of Otu Okaiwu, Uche Amulu, Esq, before Magistrate Court 13A, Wuse Zone 2, on 7 Count Charge.
These Charges, are contrary to Sections 97 and 140 of the Penal Code, Laws of Northern Nigeria, 1968.
According to the Charge sheet CR/WZ2/09/22, signed by Faseyiku Akintunde Idowu, Esq, Mr. Uche Amulu and two other Defendants, are accused of giving false information to the Police, in a petition Mr. Amulu wrote for his client-the Second and Third Defendants-Mr. Celestine Eze & Celez Global Resources LTD.
According to the IGP, the Defendants gave information to the police which they “Knew to be false to the police with intent that such information be used by police officers as persons employed in the public service of Nigeria to the injury of one Ogbah Isaac and Eric Obele.”
The Defendants pleaded not guilty, their bail applications were not opposed by the prosecution, who wanted the court to grant the Defendants’ prayers on stringent terms.
Defendants were admitted to bail. They are to provide 2 reasonable Surtey who must be civil servant and bond of N400,000 (Four Hundred Thousand Naira) Only.
Matter adjourned to 24th Day of February for hearing.
According to Mr. Amulu, who was represented by 7 lawyers, led by Chima Eleagu, Esq, he acted professionally, based on the information supplied to him by his clients on whose instructions, he wrote the said petition to the Police.