Saturday night in Kubwa, was lit. All centres, gave back to back quality entertainment to their patrons. This entertainment, had been on since Friday evening, that ushered in the weekend. Kubwa is a continuous rumbling center of refreshment, entertainment and relaxation.

But the most outstanding centres in Kubwa on Saturday, were Godfather’s and Glass Top. The ambiance at Glass Top was electrifying and the live band was not loud, the service delivery time was good and the waitress, was courteous.
Godfather’s Place, maintained the Mario Puzo’s effect. It was thrilling and held the patrons spellbound.

Yellow Page still maintained its prime position as fish paradise in Kubwa. But if you are interested in eating Catfish with the brainbox in tact, NINA grilled fish is.
Soul Lounge that has pool party today, Sunday 23rd January, did not disappoint with the array of night nurses on duty.
The groove continues today, to thank God for a successful weekend and ask for grace to face next week.